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Tag: pest control ventura

dog scratching

How to Keep Pests Away From Your Pets

From fleas and ticks to rodents and other forms of wildlife, there are many different creatures that can make their way into your yard and even insideREAD MORE

wood stacked

How to Determine If Your Firewood Has Bugs

American households may be becoming more familiarized with alternative home heating systems, but firewood is still documented as the most rapidly growing heat source. Homeowners still findREAD MORE

hamster with toy

5 Tips for a Pest Free Winter Holiday

The holiday season has arrived, bringing parties and other indoor gatherings that can attract pests. While some bugs come indoors just to get warm, others are attractedREAD MORE


Tips on Keeping Rodents Away

You do not necessarily need to be living in a wooded area to be the victim of rodent infestation. Field mice or voles, rats and squirrels areREAD MORE

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Bed Bugs

It is said that infestations of Bed Bug are on the increase (some estimate as much as 5,000 percent). But don’t get the bleach out just yet.READ MORE