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How to Keep Pests Away When it Rains

November 10, 2015

, How to Keep Pests Away When it Rains, Casner ExterminatingIndoor pests are common throughout the year, but can become especially prolific during rainy weather. There are many reasons this happens. First, some bugs thrive in moisture and have a population explosion. In addition, many pests, such as spiders, millipedes and rodents, seek a place out of the rain to inhabit until the skies clear. In many cases, this means a person’s home. Here are ways to keep the pests out.

Outdoor Tasks

  • Check the roof. Missing shingles or rotten areas can invite pests into your home. Repair the roof immediately.
  • Clean debris from gutters. Rotting leaves and other organic debris in the gutters offer warmth and food for pests, attracting them to your home. Clogged gutters can also lead to moisture problem in the attic and exterior walls, which can lead to mold and some types of pests. Keep them away by keeping your gutters clean.
  • Remove material from around the foundation. Woodpiles, leaf piles, garden debris attract pests that are taking shelter from the rain. Once they are attracted to areas near your home, the next step is often to wander inside the home.
  • Trim trees and shrubs near the home. Like organic debris, plants and trees provide an inviting place for many insects and provide them some shelter from the rain. Keep these neatly trimmed so that the branches do not touch the house.
  • Clean the veranda, decks, patios and walkways. In rainy weather, leaf debris and dirt sticking to your veranda, pathways, decks or patios attract many types of pests. Keeping these surfaces clean can mean fewer pests attempting to enter the home.
  • Seal all gaps in exterior walls and foundation. Walk around the perimeter of your home and inspect all areas where plumbing or other fixtures enter through the foundation or exterior walls. Use all-weather caulk or expandable foam to seal gaps around these as well as any other cracks and gaps you find in the foundation. Mice and other common pests love to enter through gaps in the foundation because the gaps provide an easy access point.

Indoor Tasks

  • Caulk around window frames. Do not underestimate the ability of bugs to enter the home through tiny openings around window frames. Seal things up airtight with caulk.
  •  Use only lidded garbage containers. The odor of rotting food will attract flies, rodents, roaches and other pests. The tighter the seal on the lid, the better it will deter unwanted guests.
  • Keep everything dry. Most pests love moisture, and they need it to survive. In rainy weather, you need to be extra vigilant about wiping your feet before entering the home and taking other measures to keep the indoor environment as dry as possible. In some homes, humidity can be a problem and you should consider investing in dehumidifiers if your home feels damp or sticky.
  • Keep food items tightly sealed. Keep all foods in airtight containers or in the refrigerator. Otherwise, you are extending an invitation to insect pests as well as rodents.
  • Keep kitchen countertops and bathroom areas dry and spotless. The reason silverfish prefer the bathroom and the kitchen is because they crave a high-moisture environment. They aren’t the only creatures that enjoy this, however. Roaches love a messy, humid environment and their populations can easily explode. You should try to keep the bathroom and kitchen clean and dry in any weather, but it is especially important in rainy weather when humidity will cause a population boom.

Once certain pests, such as roaches or ants, infest your home, it can be difficult to eliminate them without calling on professional pest control. However, by taking the rainy weather measures discussed here, you will have a fighting chance against an infestation and you will limit the numbers of the invaders.

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