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Prevent Spiders In and Around Your Home

June 12, 2015

Whether it be the famous black widow, quick-moving jumping spiders, the dangerous brown recluse, or a plague of daddy long-legs, spider infestations are a major problem in many houses across the US. No one likes to find their home invaded by these eight-legged pests! As such, here are several DIY steps you can take to eliminate a spider infestation in your home.

spiders, Prevent Spiders In and Around Your Home, Casner ExterminatingFrom the Outside In

The battle against a spider invasion actually begins in your yard. Old leaves, debris, gravel, and shrubs close to your house act as an open invitation for spiders since they provide a sheltered spot to build a web and attract other insects for spiders to eat. Being vigilant about cleaning up debris and old leaves, moving potted plants away from your foundation, and trimming back shrubs will all help to deter spiders from ever coming near your home.

Another outdoor hotspot for spiders is outdoor lighting. While spiders themselves are not attracted to bright lights, your outdoor lighting will draw moths, flies, and other insects that are a major source of food. If at all possible, make sure sources of outdoor lighting stand independent from your house; otherwise, leaving your outdoor lighting off as often as possible will decrease spiders’ food source, thereby decreasing the likelihood of them moving into your house next.

One of the most obvious solutions to a spider invasion is to make sure all your windows and doors are properly sealed. Spiders can slip through the smallest of holes, so double check your screens and make sure to seal any cracks in your basement walls. If you live in an older home, this might seem like an impossible task, but by eliminating any large breaches, you will decrease the overall number of invaders into your space.

On the Home Front

Once inside your house, many of the same principals to eliminate spiders apply; remove both the sources of food and shelter. Make sure that you do not leave out any food or garbage that might attract other insects such as fruit flies or ants. Most store-bought, spray pesticides are ineffective in combating spiders since they can perch above the ground on their eight legs and simply walk over pesticides without actually coating their bodies. However, using pesticides to kill food sources will go a long way in eliminating a spider problem. If the spiders cannot eat, they will not stay.

Clutter is another attractor for spiders, similar to dead leaves, shrubs and debris in your yard. Eliminate clutter, especially cardboard boxes, newspapers, and all other spider-friendly habitats in your home. Focus on basements and quiet areas that see little use in your house.

Probably your greatest ally in the fight against invading spiders is your vacuum. Whether it be a hand-held vacuum or an attachment on your regular vacuum, you can use this device to vacuum up not just spiders, but their webs, eggs, and other insects. It is important to not only vacuum the obvious problem areas, but all parts of your house, such as under furniture, in dark basement corners, and up near the ceiling. Repetitive, systematic vacuuming of your house will be your best bet in dealing with a spider infestation yourself.

Beyond the DIY Solutions

If you are employing all these strategies with no success, then it may be time to call in reinforcements. With 30 years of professional experience in the extermination business, Casner Exterminating is the go-to authority for pest control in San Jose and Ventura, CA. Casner Exterminating can take on not only your spider problem, but all your other pest problems as well.

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black widow

Black Widow

Appearance Female Most easily recognized. Shiny black body Red mark shaped like an hourglass on her round abdomen Male Harmless Half the female’s size Bands and spotsREAD MORE